Fixing Magento “Service Temporarily Unavailable” error

ometimes Magento will display a “Service Temporarily Unavailable” message. The message will look like the following: The most common cause of this issue is a file located at [Magento root]/maintenance.flag. If this file exists, then Magento will display this message. The purpose of the file is to put the store into maintenance mode when doing … Read more

Direct SQL Queries in Magento

agento includes a database abstraction layer and object relationship manager that is really great at ensuring data integrity and consistent data access. In general, you should avoid writing to the database and instead use a well-written Magento extension that performs the task for you. However, sometimes a direct query needs to be made whether for … Read more

Form Validation in Magento

What is Form Validation? When we say form validation we specifically mean client-side Javascript form validation. Have you ever filled out a Magento from and been told that a specific field is incomplete or includes bad data? That is form validation. This graphic might look familiar to you: How does Magento perform form validation? Magento … Read more

Fixing front controller reached 100 router match iterations

he problematic Magento Front controller reached 100 router match iterations exception is not a common issue, but it is certainly a big issue to the usability of a store and can be difficult to solve. Where is this Magento exception thrown? In app/code/core/Mage/Core/Controller/Varien/Front.php inside of the dispatch() function. The following code snippet will give you … Read more

Magento Full Page Cache – Cache Sharing

new version of the best-in-class Magento Page Cache has been released today. This is our 32nd version of the Full Page Cache and it includes two important new features. Information Sharing – In previous versions of the page cache the primary and secondary cache were essentially in their own walled garden. The consequence of this … Read more