How to Change your Magento Logo

Normally your store will display a logo so that your business can be identified. Sometimes it is necessarily to change this especially if you are just creating your first store. To do this is fairly simple if you follow these steps.

  1. Go to System -> Configuration in your backend.
  2. Click on Design in the left menu.
  3. Click on the Header fieldset.

You will see some form fields that look like this:

Change Logo Form

You will notice you can change the alt text (the text displayed when the mouse hovers over the logo) by changing the Logo Alt Img field. To change the path to the image file you will need to change the Logo Image Src field.

The logo image src will be relative to your skin directory. By default, the magento skin directory is [Magento root]/skin/frontend/base/default/. So, if your logo src is images/logo.png it would need to be located at [Magento root]/skin/frontend/base/default/images/logo.png