Bulk Product Updating – Magento Blog https://blog.extendware.com by ExtendWare Mon, 27 Jun 2016 21:49:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://blog.extendware.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/cropped-android-chrome-384x384-1-32x32.png Bulk Product Updating – Magento Blog https://blog.extendware.com 32 32 Offer Your Customers the Best Promotions and Products with Bulk Product Updating https://blog.extendware.com/offer-your-customers-the-best-promotions-and-products-with-bulk-product-updating/ Wed, 06 Apr 2016 22:39:21 +0000 https://blog.extendware.com/?p=828 Read more]]>

Its a Sunny Day and you are stuck inside. Why? You are too busy  updating your prices, assigning categories and managing your catalog to enjoy the beautiful weather. Its tasks like these that allow us to lose valuable time that we could be spending doing fun things! Extendware’s Bulk Product Updating can update a series of prices, upsells, and manage products all with  a quick press of a few buttons. There are over 45 actions you can use, so you can have more time to enjoy the exciting things in life!

Here Are Some Other Great Features of The Bulk Product Updating Extension

Bulk Product Updating

Edit Prices / Special Prices / MSRP Prices / Cost Price
Set prices / special prices to a specific value or apply increases / decreases in the form of +10.5, -10.5, +20%, -20%. Flexible rounding rules (none, floor, ceiling, rounding) and the ability to add a value after the price modification (0.99, 0.50, etc) allow you to guarantee pricing such as $45.99 or $54.50. For example, you can increase all prices by 5%, round down (floor), and add 0.99 so prices are of the form $XX.99. This greatly reduces management time.

Edit Prices Relative to Other Prices or Cost
You can set the price relative to the cost and you can set the special price relative to cost or price. For example, set the price to be +20% of the cost and then set the special price to be -10% of the price. The possibilitie are endless!

Edit Prices Relative to Other Prices or Cost
Edit Prices Relative to Other Prices or Cost

Support for Custom Price Attributes 
If you have custom attributes with the decimal type you can enable it to be used for the bulk editing by simply selecting it in the graphical configuration.
Copy / Delete Tier / Group Prices 
Tier /group prices are very time consuming to create for every single product. Many times products have the same tier / group prices. Now you just need to define the tier prices you want for one product and then you can copy that tier / group price to any other products. This can save you hours and it is even fully compatible with Magento Tier Price Percentages.
Assign / Unassign / Copy Categories 
Simply select the products you wish to apply the action to and either select the category or input the list of category IDs you wish you assign / unassign / copy. Nothing could be easier.

Manage Related / Cross-Sell / Upsell Product Links
Create related, cross-sell, and upsell product links with ease. You may select between 3 different algorithms to create the links:
One-way – selected products are (un)linked to inputted product
Two-way – selected products are (un)linked to inputted product and vice-versa
Multi-way – all products are (un)linked to each other
Copy Custom Options
Creating the same custom options for every product is a very time consuming task. With Bulk Product Actions you can copy the custom options from one product to another. You can even choose whether you will replace any existing custom options or simply add to whatever custom options already exist.
Duplicate Products 
Easily duplicate multiple products so you can go in and edit their details later as you want.

Over 45 actions!
Over 45 actions!

Delete Products Directly From the Database
If you need to delete a lot of products and you know what you are doing, you can delete them directly from the database. This will not run the before / after delete code, which will save a LOT of time.
Change the Attribute Aet of Products
Change the attribute set of a product with ease. This means you no longer have to delete / re-create a product to change the attribute set
Have More Free Time to Spend on Income Generating Activities
This extension, especially when combined with Tier / Group Price Percentages, will save you countless hours of performing mundane and repetitive tasks. This extra time can be spent on income generating activities such as marketing.

Edit Products in Bulk in Magento https://blog.extendware.com/edit-products-in-bulk-magento/ Mon, 26 Oct 2015 17:20:07 +0000 https://blog.extendware.com/?p=500 Read more]]> Bulk-Product-Updating-(for-web).pngManaging your products can be a time intensive task. Imagine if you wanted to raise all your price by 5% or to make them 30% over their cost (cost plus pricing). If you had to edit each product manually this would be very inefficient. That is why we created Bulk Product Actions extension which will enable you to perform these actions across all products in your grid.

What Type of Actions can be done with Mass Product Actions?

You can update products in bulk in a variety of ways. In fact, there are over 45 different actions. Here are a just a few:

  • Update prices in bulk by raising them or setting them by a certain percent from their current price or cost
  • Copy tier prices from one product to many other products
  • Copy custom options from one product to many other options
  • Duplicate products in bulk
  • Add / remove categories from products in bulk
  • Add / remove up-sell / related / cross-sell products in bulk
  • And much more!

What does it look like to bulk edit?

All you need to do is select the products in your admin grid and select the mass action. Look at this screen shot:

Product grid mass actions

As you can see, bulk editing of products via mass product actions is a powerful tool. In addition, it works perfection with our admin grid extension that lets you edit products in the grid.

Quick Overview

Effectively manage your products by using Bulk Product Updating. Easily bulk assign categories, product links, change product prices, and more. The Extendware Magento Bulk Product Updating extension will simplify and speed up your product management admin duties so you can get back to what you do best, selling.

Magento Bulk Product Updating – Tier / Group Price Support! https://blog.extendware.com/magento-mass-product-actions-tier-group-price-support/ Tue, 13 Nov 2012 00:07:13 +0000 https://blog.extendware.com/?p=125 Read more]]> Managing Tier / Group prices is very time consuming task in Magento. For each product you must make several clicks of the mouse and potentially input dozens of numbers. If you need to change 100s of products, this could take you hours or even days. Magento Bulk Product Updating solves this by allowing you to copy tier / group prices from another product. The following tier / group price features are supported:

  • Copy – Copy the tier/ group price from one product to other products.
  • Delete – Delete the tier / group price from products.

Each of these features can be applied to an unlimited number of products. If you have 100 products that all have the same tier / group prices, then you can update all 100 at the same time!

Note: Tier / group price actions are fully compatible with Magento Tier / Group Price Percentages.

Magento Bulk Product Updating and Mass Product Actions – Pricing Flexibility https://blog.extendware.com/magento-mass-product-actions-pricing-flexibility/ Tue, 23 Oct 2012 00:56:37 +0000 https://blog.extendware.com/?p=96 Read more]]> Extendware’s Magento Bulk Product Updating and Mass Product Actions 1.0.5 has been released. This is the 5th release of our best in class mass actions Extension. In this release several important bug fixes / features have been added.

  • Change Price Based On Cost – Change the price of a product based on the product cost. This allows you to make the product price +20% of the product cost for example.
  • Change Special Price Based On Cost – Change the special price of a product based on the product cost. This allows you to make the product price +20% of the product cost for example.
  • Change Special Price Based On Price – A bug has been fix that prevented the special price from being changed based on price.

Combining the various price functions allows for some very powerful mass price changes. For example, you may set the produce price to be 50% of the cost. Next, you may set the special price to be -20% of the special price. This can be done across all your products, which saves your valuable time.
